
The "blue fox" uses Clothing, Ribbons, Legs and Shoes separately.
These catagories don't overlap in areas of characters body, that's the trick...

There are a lot of surfaces in shell and a lot of lines in surface.txt
Heavy! Hard to understand all of it you may think...

I will explain it in a more easy way, so as I used it for conversions from kisekae sets to ghosts.
Generally there seem to be three levels (layers):
First or basic level are the surfaces, where the characters only wear underwear.
I normally used surface0(normal), surface2(surprised), surface3(anxious/concerned/worried (sometimes)), surface5(smiling), surface6(thoughtful/calm).
I normally left out surface1(embarrassed/blush), surface4(depressed), surface7(angry), surface8(sneering).
Well, 1,4,7,8 may not fit the personality of character. Then have to been drawn with another eyebrows arrangement.   (also surface3 strictly speaking)

Next level are animations like blinking.   (I normally used surface9 for this)
Overlayes base level surfaces.

Third level are the "bindgroup" ones. Overlayes first and second level.
"bindgroup" has to be written besides in surfaces.txt also in descript.txt of shell!
Can be complete outfits or splitted in separete clothes like for "blue fox".
I normally did draw these surfaces with blank/empty faces, so facial expressions of level1 and blinking animation of level2 can shine through.
That means, facial parts are in same color as character surrounding transparent background.