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What I am missing, is participation.
Exactly, developments of selfmade ghosts or shells, like done numerous on japanese side.
Links to some of them (may help) or especially posting only a picture will not do it!
I still run extensive link listings here for still available, then for lost ones there.
All of them shown with preview pictures.

The only thing what came yet on this specific (sub)blog was a translation. A beginning?
Following 74 posts there, 23 of them concerning Mayura. (at 2024-01-19)
I'm watching this blog since years. Since then waiting for participation.
Since about last 2 years, I'm fighting with my motivation!
Well, motivation belongs to the magic words.
Definitely, I lost my motivation in the meantime now...
So I took out my own ghosts, example (translated) ghosts using free shells,
lost ghosts, which I began recently with (for first) partial translations.