
  Event identifier definitions
Basic events
OnFirstBootboot the ghost at the first time
OnWindowStateRestorerestore from iconfied condition
OnBootboot up successfully
OnClosedirect to exit
CAUTION: This event may be useless in some cases, because of that SHIORI module is allowed to ignore this event.
OnTeachStartTeach dialog was opened
Changing events
OnGhostChangingdirect to change into another ghost
  • Reference0 - Next ghost name
  • Reference1 - changing method
    • manual - changing manualy
    • automatic - changing automatic(system etc.)
OnGhostChangedbecome the ghost itself as a consequence of direction
  • Reference0 - Previous ghost name
OnSurfaceSetChangingdirect to change the surface set
OnSurfaceSetChangedcompleted to change into another surface set
OnShellChangingdirect to change into another shell
OnShellChangedcompleted to change into another shell
Surface events
OnSurfaceChangecompleted to change into another surface
OnSurfaceRestorejust come into the timing that restores the first surface standing in the surface now.
(The assigned number of first surface is different in case by case.
The occasion of first ghost, the assigned number of Sakura is 0, that's of Unyu is 10.)
CAUTION: This event ONLY notify the timing to switch the surface into the first. SHIORI module is allowed to do this or not.
  • Reference0 - the surface number of the main character that is displaying now.
  • Reference1 - the surface number of the sub character that is displaying now.
Mouse events
OnMouseMoveThe mouse is moved.
OnMouseClickThe left button of mouse is clicked.
OnMouseDoubleClickThe left button of mouse is clicked double.
OnMouseWheelThe mouse wheel is scrolled.
  • Reference0 - The value of x-axis of the mouse cursor (local coordinate)
  • Reference1 - The value of y-axis of the mouse cursor (local coordinate)
  • Reference2 - The quantity of rotate of the mouse wheel and the direction of that's
  • Reference3 - The owner of the event (0 : Sakura / 1 : Kero)
  • Reference4 - touch judgement identifier.
    The touch judgement identifier is free defined by shell. However, Head, Face and Bust is standard identifier.
    So, that is supported by many shells.
Install events
OnInstallBeginbegin install sequence
OnInstallCompleteinstall sequence is completed successfully
OnInstallFailureinstall sequence is failed with some errors
OnInstallRefuseinstall sequence is refused because of that the file name to install indicates another ghost name
  • Reference0
    • Complete - the identifier of installed objects
    • Failure - the reason of failure
    • Refuse - indicated ghost name
  • Reference1 - Complete : the name of installed objects
    Identifier of installed objects
    shell/ghost/balloon/plugin/ghost with balloon/shell with balloon
BIFF events
OnBIFFBeginbegin checking up the mailbox
OnBIFFCompletechecking up the mailbox is completed successfully
OnBIFFFailurechecking up the mailbox is failed
  • Reference0
    • Complete - quantity of spooled mails
    • Failure - the reason of failure
  • Reference1
    • Complete - total file size of spooled mails
The reason of success or failure
  • timeout - connection request timed out
  • kick - permission denied by mail server
  • defect - some mistakes of user settings exists
Maybe usefull if your smartphone is defect, been stolen or else...
Update events
OnUpdateBeginbegin to update modules through the network
OnUpdateCompletenetwork update is completed successfully
OnUpdateFailurenetwork update is failed
OnUpdate.OnDownloadBeginbegin to download the updated files
OnUpdate.OnMD5CompareBeginbegin to compare the MD5 checksum
OnUpdate.OnMD5CompareCompletematch the MD5 checksum
OnUpdate.OnMD5CompareFailuremismatch the MD5 checksum
  • Reference0
    • OnUpdate - the reason of success or failure
    • OnDownload - the file name of downloading
    • OnMD5 - the file name to compare with
  • Reference1
    • OnUpdate - file name list(separated by comma(,))
    • OnMD5 - the valid MD5 checksum
  • Reference2
    • OnMD5 - the MD5 checksum of the downloaded file
The reason of success or failure
  • none - no files to update
  • changed - files is updated
  • timeout - connection request time out
  • md5 miss - mismatch of the MD5 checksum
  • 404 etc. - failed with those status codes
Choices event
OnChoiceSelectselect from the choices.
OnChoiceTimeoutRequest Timeout.
  • Reference0
    • Select - the identifier of the selected choice
    • Timeout - the script that was time out
Uncategorized events
OnNetworkHeavyreturn no response from the server, return no data from server, the server is IP unreachable, etc.
  I have taken everything from an early done english manual. Old but still valid. Seems to have been written by a japanese person:     "NANIKA"